
Friday, March 12, 2010

Onion Roasted Sweet Potatoes

1 (1 oz) package of dry onion soup mix
1lb sweet potatoes, peeled and diced
2 T plus 2t of vegetable oil

Directions: Preheat oven to 450 degrees. In large bowl, mix onion soup mix, vegetable oil and sweet potatoes until they are well coated. Arrange the mixture on a large baking sheet and cook for 45-50 minutes or until sweet potatoes are tender.


-I could not find any sweet potatoes so I used yams instead.
Here's how I did it:
#1 First, I peeled and cut the potatoes. I had no idea they were so hard.

#2 I preheat the oven to 450 degrees.

Add the onion soup mix to the potatoes.

#4 I added the oil

#5 I spread the potatoes out on a baking sheet.

#6 I pulled the potatoes out of the oven.

The Finished Product:


I so appreciate my friend, Jane, for giving me the recipe for the Onion Roasted Sweet Potatoes. I know that I would have never ventured outside of my comfort zone had she not sent it to me. Scott and I enjoyed the potatoes but, sadly, my kids did not. Of course, if you have read some of the other reviews you know that it is really hit or miss with the kids. I'm really not sure if I made the potatoes correclty as, like I said earlier, I have never cooked with them before. Also, I honestly don't know if there is a difference in yams or sweet potatoes (for some reason I thought that they were the same thing) so I'm not sure if I peeled down far enough or not. I wish that the potatoes would have been a little bit firmer but I might have left them in the oven too long. Either way, Scott ended up having 2 servings of the potatoes so I was glad that he enjoyed the change as much as I did.


  1. These sound yummy and the recipe couldn't be easier! Thanks for sharing!!

  2. I just posted a roasted sweet potatoes recipe too. :) Yours looks fantastic.

  3. Wow, this must be roasted sweet potato week. I made roasted three potato salad on Thursday and I just visited Sook's blog and she'd a honey roasted sweet potato recipe :>). Guess great minds think alike, huh?

  4. Ha! I was really surprised at how much we liked them. I definitely want to try some other recipes with them.
